Teenager arrested in rash of vehicle burglaries

Published 12:50 pm Tuesday, April 12, 2022

A Leesville teenager has been arrested following an investigation into a rash of vehicle burglaries that have occurred throughout the community recently.

Leesville Police Chief Beth Westlake announced that a 17 year-old male juvenile has been charged with four counts of simple burglary of a vehicle, one count of theft over $1,000, two counts of theft, and one count of curfew violation.

In most of the cases, Westlake said the vehicle burglaries occurred overnight and nearly all of the vehicles targeted had been left unlocked.

She said the victims involved in the burglaries will be notified of the arrest and any recovered items by LPD investigators.

In an effort to curb the rise in local vehicle burglaries, Westlake issued advisories to residents in local communities and neighborhoods, encouraging them to lock vehicle doors and avoid leaving personal belongings in any unattended vehicles.

Westlake also encouraged members of the community to be alert to their surroundings, and to report anything unusual or suspicious to the police. She described suspicious activity as anyone trying door handles of vehicles and looking through vehicle windows, and juveniles who are out walking after curfew.