That corporate income tax rate, Nelson said, is the highest in the South, and higher than the rate in New York.

Louisiana has had five consecutive years of population loss. Since 2016, 120,000 people have left the Pelican State, equivalent to the population of Lafayette or 13 of the state’s smallest parishes. From 2020 to 2023, 84,000 people have emigrated from Louisiana, equivalent to the population of Lake Charles.

Nelson recommends reducing the state’s individual income tax rates to a single, flat rate, much as Mississippi has done recently. He also proposed an increase in the standard deduction.

For the sales tax, Nelson recommended that lawmakers eliminate and consolidate exemptions and exclusions while expanding the tax base to services and digital goods. All of this would be done while reducing the overall rate.

He also proposed reducing the state’s corporate income tax rate and eliminating the corporate franchise tax, along with reforms to the inventory and severance levies.