
Lady Cats well-represented on all-district team

By Daniel Green |  BWS Sports LEESVILLE — It was a bounce back year for the Leesville Lady ...


Kennedy announces $7.7M in Laura recovery for Vernon

U.S. Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee announced Thursday $7,738,685 in a Federal ...


Leesville man caught on video killing wife granted early release

A man convicted in 2005 for fatally shooting his estranged wife in the parking lot of the Leesville ...


Ragley woman accused of stealing $30,000 from cemetery group

A Ragley woman who recently moved to Reno, Nevada, was arrested and extradited back to Beauregard Parish to ...


Authorities: Threat to Rosepine High ‘unfounded’

A threat made over the phone to school officials at Rosepine High School on Thursday has been declared ...


Police jurors get first glimpse at jail repairs

Beauregard Parish police jurors toured the parish jail this week for an in-person update on the extensive repairs ...


Lady Pirates capture fourth consecutive state title

By Daniel Green | BWS Sports HAMMOND — The view from the mountaintop isn’t always picture perfect. But ...

Z - News Main

Anacoco tops Choudrant to return to Top 28

By Daniel Green |  BWS Sports ANACOCO – The road has been rocky at times. But the second-ranked ...


VPSB to introduce new district map next month

The Vernon Parish School Board received an update on the final draft of its proposed new district map ...


$102,000 donated to Vernon, Beauregard schools

Fort Polk Progress officials announced this week that more than $102,000 was donated in February to Vernon and ...

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